Collection: Oskar Schlemmer Wall Art

Oskar Schlemmer was a German artist best known for his work with the Bauhaus, a school that blended art and craftsmanship. Schlemmer was born in 1888 in Schwabisch-Gmund, Germany. He studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Kunste in Stuttgart before joining the Bauhaus in 1919. At the Bauhaus, Schlemmer taught classes on sculpture and colour theory. He also worked on designing stage sets and costumes for the school's theatre group. In his own work, Schlemmer sought to create art that explored the relationship between the human body and space. His most famous work is The Triadic Ballet, a dance performance that featured costumed dancers that looked like abstract geometric forms. Schlemmer died in 1943, but his work continues to influence artists and designers today.